All My Rainbow People
127cm x 102cm Modelling Paste, Gloss Medium, Iridescent Medium, Pigment Ink and Acrylic on CanvasHad loads of messy fun making this. First I added crusty texture to the canvas using acrylic modelling paste. Then I took left-over pigment ink from an old broken printer, filled a few syringes up with that stuff and let it fly. After that had dried I went in with various acrylic media, highlighting certain areas and knocking back others.Some areas of this are glossy and some are matt, and there are pearlescent areas. All this means that this painting changes dramatically with the light, looking very different in the morning compared to the evening. It does a lot of shining and shimmering. This is dedicated to all of my beautiful, colourful, varied friends and family. You make me who I am, love you all xxxx.